You can make all kinds of things from thin and flexible living willow rods, like domes and tunnels. I'd seen pictures of living willow fences and thought one of these would make a great wind break for my main vege patch. It's a little wonky but does the trick.
They're happily sprouting leaves, which should fill the structure out a bit more and make it more effective as a wind break. As new shoots grow off the main stakes you can weave them back in to the structure.
I also planted some short stumps with the aim of harvesting the shoots to make baskets. You're supposed to coppice them (i.e. cut off all the new growth) in late autumn to prevent them branching out.
I had some leftover willow ties so I put them in a jar of water, whereupon they enthusiastically started growing. I'm not quite sure what to do with them....
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